Puerto Pérez Shows its Gastronomic Diversity and Tourist Wealth

On April 29, 2018 in the municipality of Puerto Pérez, the first version of the Biocultural Fair was held, where several communities from the municipality had the opportunity to show their potential and cultural, eco-tourism, gastronomic wealth and the products of agro-biodiversity. The Fair, coordinated through the PROINPA Foundation, executing partner of the Bioculture and Climate Change Project, financed by the Swiss Cooperation in Bolivia, emerges as a contribution to the harmony and balance between society and nature.

Huts built with dry reeds, a typical resource of the place, were the setting for each community to expose their diversity of crops, varieties of seeds, gastronomy made based on local products such as písqi, phisara and quispiña, barley soup, broad bean, papaliza, chairo and wallaqhi offered in chuas or clay dishes, in addition to the traditional Apthaphi and various varieties of fish such as qarachi, silverside, mawri, ispi and trout. At the same time, one of the most visited sectors was that of handicrafts where it was possible to acquire products made from reeds and a wide variety of fabrics.

Ramiro Alanoca, Mayor of the Autonomous Municipal Government of Puerto Pérez, in the midst of a massive turnout and with the majestic Lake Titicaca in the background, inaugurated the fair highlighting the economic movement that these fairs generate, allowing its inhabitants to have a space for the promotion and generation of opportunities based on their productive, sociocultural and tourist potential.

The inclusion, participation and leadership of women was also promoted, contributing directly to the economic empowerment and food security of families. In this sense, the participation of women's organizations stands out, who through their ventures show themselves as key protagonists to face climate change and the fight against poverty.

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