The Municipality of Puerto Pérez Successfully Closed the 2nd Solid Waste Collection Campaign

On November 15, 2017, the 2nd Solid Waste Collection Campaign was successfully closed in the Municipality of Puerto Pérez, an event that was held together with a Productive and Community Educational Fair. The campaign was aimed at collecting plastic bottles, nylon bags, paper, cardboard and radio batteries.

The 2nd Collection Campaign called "Clean Communities" was organized by the Municipality of Puerto Pérez, in coordination with the Ministry of Environment and Water (MMAyA), District Education Office, Health Center, PROINPA Foundation, within the framework of the Bioculture and Climate Change project. To face this campaign, the participants were trained by the Katari Basin Management Unit of the MMAyA. The 2nd version of the campaign was launched on September 20 and ended on November 15. Important achievements were made, the communities and Educational Units collected 2,201 kilos of plastic bottles, 20 kilos of nylon bags, and 10 kilos of paper and cardboard.

Elva Vargas, from the Katari Basin Management Unit, said on the occasion, "Puerto Pérez is one of the municipalities affected by contamination, but it is an example for others, thanks to Puerto Pérez, which has already organized two campaigns, today others municipalities carry out their campaigns”, he concluded.

When touring the Educational Fair and through the stand of the Educational Units, the visitors and juries received great surprises from the students and teachers, who received their visitors with biodiversity issues, which were worked on according to the Productive Partner Project ( PSP) of each unit. Each stand presented something different, such as the repopulation of fish species, raising chickens, revitalization of Suriqui Island's tourist roots, nutritious food, health care by the Center, and recycled works based on paper, cardboard, nylon, and bottles. plastic, they wasted no time in raising public awareness with music and songs with environmental messages composed by them.

Roberto Daza, Head of the Technical Assistance Unit of PRORURAL, stated "I am very happy that the Bioculture and Climate Change project has contributed to connecting many initiatives that are being worked on in education and all of them are linked to the issue of caring for Madre Tierra, for capacity building in adaptation to climate change, I am happy that through the intervention of the work of the PROINPA Foundation, we have been able to consolidate this work of several months that we can close today in this 2nd campaign and fair”.

Wilfredo Alanoca, President of the Municipal Council of Puerto Pérez, thanked the MMAyA, the Education District, Biocultura and the PROINPA Foundation for the coordinated work in the collection of plastic waste, cardboard, inorganic waste that do so much damage to our environment .

Eduardo Sarco, District Director of Education of Puerto Pérez, said that "this project started last year, this is the second year that we are successfully completing and finishing the projects that primary and secondary students have come to show, they have participated and explained how plastics can be reused so as not to pollute and take care of the environment,” he concluded.

The fair ended with a Cultural Poetry Festival offered by students of initial and secondary level, about the composition of environmental themes. The Educational Units of Puerto Pérez gave us a message on how to take care of Pachamama – Mother Earth.

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