Farmers Receive Help in Biosafety Materials and Agricultural Production Supplies in Times of Pandemic

On October 28, 2020, at the Kiphakiphani Research Center of the PROINPA Foundation, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), delivered the donation of biosafety materials and agricultural inputs to families of farmers from the communities of the Altiplano where PROINPA works with a Production Systems approach. Supporting in this way in this time of Pandemic caused by COVID 19. Event attended by representatives of the beneficiary communities of Charawaytu and Choquenaira of the Municipality of Viacha, Ingavi province of the department of La Paz, however, the aid is also contemplated to the La Paz communities of Jocopamapa and Capunuta (Municipality of Patacamaya), Cañaviri (Municipality of Umala), Chita and Chacala (Municipality of Uyuni) Potosí and two communities of the Municipality of Challapata de Oruro.

Through JICA, donations were managed to help mitigate the economic impact of COVID 19 in Bolivia. Manabu Ohara, Director of JICA in Bolivia said, "today we will deliver agricultural inputs and biosafety materials that amount to approximately 480,000 Bs. This donation would not have been possible without the collaboration of PROINPA, which gave us its support at all times. valuable support and thanks to this foundation our donation will reach the hands of the beneficiaries. Friends of PROINPA, I take this opportunity to express special thanks to you because you are also our ally for the implementation of the science and technology project to give greater strength to the agrosystems of the highlands. It is encouraging and gratifying to know that we have allies with so much experience and human quality; We do not want anyone to be left behind, if we join forces we will be able to put an end to this health crisis and once again take the reins of productive, economic and social development that better days come for Bolivia and the world," he concluded.

 Yobana Urquizo Merlo, Sulka Mallku of the Charawaytu community of the Municipality of Viacha, said, "I am very happy and grateful to JICA and PROINPA, because my community benefits in this Pandemic with fodder seed, bio-inputs and biosafety material."

After the delivery ceremony, the technical team of the PROINPA Foundation proceeded with the delivery of the donation to the beneficiaries of the Choquenaira and Charawaytu communities, who, after collecting the help that corresponded to them, left very happy taking the products.
