GAM Patacamaya and PROINPA, Deliver Baskets with Agricultural Bioinput Products to Producers Affected by Frost and Drought

Around 64 indigenous authorities (Mallkus, Thalla Mamas), Central Agraria, General Secretaries and Bartolina women representatives of 12 cantons that make up the Municipality of Patacamaya, Aroma province of the department of La Paz, were summoned by the Directorate of Productive Development of the Autonomous Government Municipal de Patacamaya, on December 1, 2020 at 3:30 p.m., to collect the baskets prepared with organic bio-input products that will help those affected by natural phenomena (frost and drought) that recently occurred in some communities caused by climate change, destroying potato, quinoa and broad bean crops of the producing families in the Central Highlands.

Nicanor Nina Silvestre, Director of Productive Development of the GAM Patacamaya reported, "concerned about the natural disasters of frost and drought, in addition to the pandemic that hit this municipality hard, this project was managed jointly with the PROINPA Foundation, which has a budget of 100,000 Bolivians, the project contemplates Technical Assistance and Follow-up provided by Agronomists and thesis students in the application of agricultural bio-inputs in the communities”.

Miguel Barrantes, responsible for the actions of the Central Highlands of the Inclusive Markets project executed by PROINPA, stated how this project came to be and how it will help the municipality, "it is a management that has been carried out with Eng. Nina, since the time that COVID affected, we already saw that the pandemic was going to affect the family economy of all of us who live in Patacamaya and its surroundings”, he recommended using the appropriate product strategy at the time the plant needs it the most.

Reinaldo Quispe, PROINPA Entomology Specialist explained, “these bio-inputs are ecological organic products and are certified. The southern Altiplano exports organic royal quinoa and because it is organic it has a better price and if you do an analysis there must be zero chemicals, for that you don't have to use chemical fertilizers, you don't have to use a chemical insecticide and what do you have to use? , organic products and these bio-inputs that are here are from that line. When any of us use it, we are going to take care of the environment, we are going to take care of our health and we are going to obtain a healthier product and this healthy product helps us prevent diseases, in addition, quinoa is recommended to combat and prevent this COVID disease”. He also recommended to the beneficiaries that these products must be used correctly, know when to apply, how to apply and in what dose.

The baskets with organic agricultural products that will be used for the fumigation of potatoes, broad beans, quinoa and vegetables. They were delivered to the local authorities according to the number of inhabitants of the communities. Each basket contained 5 units of Vigortop, 1 liter of Bacterialmix, 1 liter of Biomax, 2 sachets of pheromones, and a summary file explaining the use and method of application of the products, calculated for 165 hectares and which will benefit 165 families. .

Domingo Sarsuri, Vice President of the Municipal Council of Patacamaya, thanked the Director of Productive Development of the GAM Patacamaya, Ing. Nina, for his work with the institutions to obtain these products with the PROINPA engineers, who are used to spray potatoes, quinoa and broad beans. .

Policarpio Iñaki, Secretary General of the Arajllanga Canton, said, “for me it is sincerely a benefit, it is the first time that I am going to use these products, previous years I have worked with chemicals and it seems that they have damaged the land; it has become hard, I thank Mr. Nina, the Municipal Government of Patacamaya and PROINPA who provide us with these products”.

Pedro Quispe Aro, General Secretary of the Picarani Community – Chiarque Canton, highlighted, “it seems to me a good incentive from the Municipal Government and above all from Eng. Nina who is worrying about agriculture. This natural disaster has taken our quinoa; there is almost no production for this year. Today we take fertilizers and bio-inputs to attack moths, we need training for agronomists. Thank the PROINPA Foundation and Mr. Nina for continuing to work for the people because we need an economy, if there is no economy we migrate to the big cities”.

Vicente Pacajes, General Secretary of the Community of Cala Cala, Arcata Canton stated, "Ing. Nina worked with PROINPA to bring these products. I thank the Mayor of the Autonomous Municipal Government of Patacamaya, for continuing ahead and how well she managed this type of projects and that they bring this aid to us”. They left happy taking the products.

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